Jewish Life in Germany

type: Article

The history of Jews in Germany is often reduced to the years of persecution under the National Socialist regime, but it actually extends all the way back to the fourth century A.D. Jews have played a significant role in shaping present-day Germany. Many important German poets, philosophers, intellectuals, musicians, painters, scientists, physicians and more were or are Jewish. Today, an estimated 200,000 Jews live in the Federal Republic of Germany. About half of them are members of Jewish congregations, most of which are represented by the Central Council of Jews in Germany.

The fact that, 75 years after the Shoah and the crimes of National Socialism, vibrant and self-confident Jewish life in all its diversity has developed in Germany is a reason to be glad and grateful. At the same time, however, the effects of National Socialism continue to resonate and to influence the present; they are still part of our reality today. Everyone living in Germany bears responsibility for remembering this. History demands it of us.

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