The Fight against Antisemitism

type: Article

The fight against antisemitism plays an important – and in comparison to other countries, special – role in Germany. The crimes of National Socialism continue to influence the present. Everyone living in Germany bears responsibility for remembering this. History demands it of us. Combating antisemitism is an ongoing task, requiring steadily renewed effort. The people of Germany are responsible for upholding the fundamental rights guaranteed in our Constitution, regardless of religion, origin, nationality and political convictions. These rights guarantee that the dignity of every individual is inviolable. In this society, we all have the responsibility to oppose antisemitism in all its forms. Fighting antisemitism means defending the values which constitute the foundation of our peaceful and prosperous life together as a society. It is therefore helpful to investigate what exactly the phenomenon of antisemitism is. The article "What is antisemitism?" addresses precisely this question. Another useful starting point is the IHRA definition, and what is known as the "3D rule" also offers orientation.

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